Elements of Design
An element of art that is used to define shape, contours, and outlines,
also to suggest mass and volume. It may be a continuous mark made on a surface
with a pointed tool or implied by the edges of shapes and forms.
Color comes form light; if it weren’t for light we would have no color.
When the light rays hits an object, our eyes responds to the light
that is bounced back and we see that color.
When a line crosses itself or intersects with other lines to enclose a space,
it creates a shape. Shape is two-dimensional it has heights and width but no depth.
Texture is the surface quality of an object. A rock may be rough and jagged.
A piece of silk may be soft and smooth and your desk may feel hard and smooth.
Texture also refers to the way a picture is made to look rough or smooth
Form is the three-dimensionality of an object. Shape is only two-dimensional;
form is three-dimensional. You can hold a form; walk around a form and in some cases,
walk inside a form. In drawing or painting using value can imply form.